Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Have I told you that I love you?

Hi Ed,

We got the results from the Kidney doctor and I do have a UTI so she’s giving me antibiotics for 5 days.  It will probably make my visions of visitors go away, including you.  Thank goodness we have email and we can still communicate.

I love you!  I almost forgot… no, not really.  I LOVE YOU!!

I’ll get a new pair of shoes as soon as Susie takes me to the shoe store.  Probably on Thursday, they are very expensive shoes, but I’m worth it!

I’m feeling good, but hope to feel much better after I’m done taking the antibiotic.

Our pool is open, but it’s been cold.  Sue tells me that I need a new bathing suit, but I think the 2 I have are fine.  So what if they are 10 sizes too big!  I’ll probably breakdown and buy a new one if I see one that I like for a good price.

Well, dinner is just about ready so I’ll close my note here.

I love you!

I love you!

I love you!

Looking forward to your reply,



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